


Por: Jesús Silva R.
Poeta, promiscuo ante la muerte.
¿Y en el amor, cuál es tu suerte?
Esta es tu historia, perecen los más fuertes,
Ser sin memoria.
¿Hoy qué ruegas a Dios? ¿Escapatoria?
¿Qué pretendieron sus caricias de colores?
¿La perversión de hacer probar nuevos sabores?
Su atrevimiento, tan permitido;
Fue la lujuria que alcanzó sitios prohibidos.
Dijo que  necesitaba amor, pero era todo mentira,
Pisoteaba cada flor, por el capricho y la ira.
Un mil amores, se le entregaron,
Su egocentrismo, veneno que  otros tragaron.
No era de nadie, el asunto era sencillo.
El amor es mucho más que un simbólico anillo.
Su aro de hipocresía, de nexo con quien no quiere,
Ocultaba su adulterio, con conyugales deberes.
Terminada la aventura,
En casa, otra vida le espera;
Si hoy la víctima fui yo, mañana será cualquiera.
Dirá amanecer enferma. Amnésica o desmemoriada,
Falsificará mi esperma, entre fotos calcinadas.
La fantasía nocturna, despertará en decepción;
Y bastará su vanidad, para asfixiar mi pasión.
Inducido a la embriaguez, mamífero de la idiotez,
Bajo germánica luna, caí rendido a sus pies.
Gotas de tinto licor, mientras mordía su abdomen:
Un espejismo de amor.


Back to life and speaking loud

Originally written by Jesús Silva R. (1997)
Remix version 2011

Should I really call it pride, or perhaps some hesitation;
'Cause at times I have denied, I have wanted this relation.

About half a year, it took me to know; 
As long as I'm here, my feeling won't go.

It cannot be leaving, a way to solve this; 
There's taste of achieving, I can't ever miss.

I'd like to get rid, of this weird odd sensation; 
Feeling like a kid, with no consolation.

I've decided to stay here, no more there's to say;
It is what you hear, I won't walk away.

I have done so much negation, in my very stubborn way; 
In spite of this good situation, I could've just passed away.

'Cause by making such mistakes, my whole chance was blowing over,
When your ego overtakes, you're a fool who can't think over.

There's no doubt I've waken up, just when it looked like no chance;
Now I'm feeling back on top, just as much as I did once.

What a big desastrous time; I had gotten myself into;
It was as bad as a crime, and as ugly as a sin too.

It was time to show some sanity, and put things all back together; 
But what caused this queer calamity, was it the moon, was it the weather?

Now I think that I am ready, now I feel that I'm prepared;
May my acting be real steady, so we can have stuff to share.

Do you know what my aim is? Or the intention of my action;
Let us take it  as it is, we won't suffer any sanction.